Healthified Chocolate No-Bake Cookies

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UPDATE: You can now find even more healthified recipes & tips at


UPDATE: If you freeze these babies for a couple of hours, they have a texture and taste very similar to the Little Debbie Starcrunch!! YUM!

I was rather sketptical when I found this recipe in The Anti-Infammation Diet & Recipe Book. The classic Chocolate No-Bake Cookies are probably my very favorite cookie…which is why I decided to give these a try and boy oh boy am I glad that I did!! They were hit with my parents as well as with a few select friends who agreed to be my guinea pigs 🙂 Thanks ladies!!

I didn’t make them exactly as they are in the recipe book…I had to tweak it just a little.  🙂 You should also note, that they do not taste like the standard Chocolate No-Bake Cookies.

They taste different- but in a delcious, melt-in-your-mouth  kind of way! Another plus is that you don’t feel like you need to go brush all the sugar off your teeth after you eat them! 🙂

Also, you can whip these babies up in no time. It only takes a few minutes to mix it all up. Then stick them in the fridge to chill. 🙂

So here is my version of the recipe.

Healthified Chocolate No-Bake Cookies

3 1/2 cups of oats

3/4-1 cup honey (Start with 3/4 and then taste it to see if you’d like it a little sweeter.)

5 tsp cocoa powder (If you are following the anti-inflammation diet, use carob instead of cocoa.)

2 tsp vanilla extract

1 cup almond butter (or any nut butter would work-peanut butter, cashew butter, sun butter, etc)

1/4 cup melted butter

Mix all these ingredients by hand with a spoon and then spoon out on a cookie sheet. Place in the fridge or freezer to chill for about 30 minutes. These cookies will not get hard. After they are chilled, they will still be gooey but not be falling apart.


Linked up to:

Life As a Mom

Simply Sugar & Gluten Free


Real Food Forager

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About HnB4life

Hello There ! My name is Tiffany and I am on the journey to find balance in life! Now, I’m not talking about anything kooky or mystical, but real true balance and health in all areas: physical, spiritual, and emotional. I figured I was not the only one looking for these things, and thus this blog was born. I am not an expert in all things healthy nor is my life 100% balanced. However, I have been on this journey for a quite a few years and have learned some things along the way. One of those things is that the start of a healthy and balanced life is a relationship with Jesus Christ, my Savior, my Friend, my Strong Tower, and my Balance in those completely unbalanced moments. If you’d like more information on knowing Jesus Christ, please click here Welcome Friend, I look forward to our journey together.

12 responses »

  1. i have actually tried to make this before. however i melted the butter and added honey at the same time. word of advice DONT DO THAT! lol, the honey instantly burned to a crisp ruining the cookies. =D

  2. Pingback: Menu Plan for 7/19-7/24 « Healthy-n-Balanced

  3. Pingback: Menu Plan for 7/25-7/31 « Healthy-n-Balanced

  4. Pingback: Weekly Menu Plan 11/29-12/4 « Healthy-n-Balanced

  5. Pingback: Healthy Cookie Christmas Gift « Healthy-n-Balanced

  6. Tiffany, we made the original recipe for No Bake Cookies last night. But, like you, my cousins and I made a few modifications to the recipe. They included reducing the sugar and adding extra peanut butter. I think your idea of using a “real” nut butter is a really good one! Have a wonderful day.

    • That is awesome! It’s always great to be able to “healthify” a recipe, even if it’s just a few minor changes, every little change makes a difference 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  7. Thanks for linking your great post to FAT TUESDAY. This was very interesting! Hope to see you next week!

    Be sure to visit on Sunday for Sunday Snippets – your post from Fat Tuesday may be featured there!

    Share your great fermented food recipes at my Probiotic Food Linky – open through Februray 6, 2012.

  8. This looks delicious! I love those cookies!

    I’m working on stocking my freezer for the upcoming birth of my second child. I would love for you to come share this recipe at my Make-ahead Monday Link-up over at Raising Isabella!

    Hope to see you there!~


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