Finding Balance

UPDATE: You can now find me at



In April, 2011 I was set to have gallbladder surgery to have my gallbladder removed due to some serious nausea and tummy issues I’ve had since I was a teenager. However, my very discerning husband felt we should postpone it to try a more holistic option. We were a little unsure because it is so hard to find a good natural/holistic doctor that isn’t wrapped up in beliefs with which I don’t agree. However, in May 2011 God opened up the doors for me to go to Dr. Jana Joshu-Grimm, a Christian holistic doctor.  I have been feeling better and better every day since then. She was able to determine the real root of my gallbladder and tummy issues-it was my adrenal gland. Now my body is getting healthier, my adrenal glands are actually functioning at 100% (instead of not at all), and I am trying all kinds of yummy new foods that I otherwise never would have tried. Can I just say I am loving a hamburger patty with salsa, avocado and goat cheese?! So I just want to take a minute to say GOD IS GOOD!!! Now I had prayed  A LOT over the years for God to heal me…but He didn’t…at least not how I was praying for Him to do. I was wanting an instant healing, but instead He sent me someone to instruct me on how to care for this temple of the Holy Spirit and how to be truly disciplined with this lifestyle change.  I still have a few months to go to get my body back to where it needs to be; and a lifetime of healthy eating and exercise. Sometimes it’s hard (even with my wonderful hubby who is super supportive and eats everything I put in front of him) and sometimes it’s easy-but in the end, it is worth it. I want to be on this earth for as many years as possible so that I can be used to reach as many people as possible and fulfill the purpose that I am here to complete.

I think a lot of times we are own worst enemy-we make horrible food choices, we are gluttons (Oh yes-I went there! The word that so many of us Christians avoid because we don’t want to face the fact that we may be taking part in this sin. I know I sure was!), we don’t exercise, we are lazy and then we ask God why we are sick.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying all sickness is our own fault…but plenty of it is. God created our bodies perfectly. A lot of times we are the ones who cause it to not function properly. Apart from all of that, we don’t pray and don’t read our Bible and then ask God why we are being attacked or why He doesn’t seem to be around anymore. I am not saying that every time God feels far away it is because we are not reading and praying enough, though plenty of times it is.

What I am saying is that we have to take responsibility and be disciplined enough to take good care of what God has given us so that we can be used to our fullest potential. Does that mean living a perfectly disciplined life? I wish I could! Unfortunately I’m not even close. However we must do our very best with what we have been given, and that is exactly what I am going to do.

I want to challenge you today to do the same. Think about what you eating to fuel your body.  Take a little walk today instead of turning on the tv as soon as you get home. Take a minute to thank God for the day and read His word. Simplify your life. Get rid of the relationships, circumstances, food, etc  that are not healthy and that are stressing you out. Focus on one thing at a time. Don’t be overrun by your to do list. Live today as if it is your last. Serve God and love love love love those around you.  When we do that we will start to find a little more balance in our lives and a lot more joy and peace.


10 responses »

  1. i love this sisser! proud of you and amen!

  2. Thanks for the reminder, girlie! I had no idea you had a blog.

  3. Thanks for the reminder, girlie! I had no idea about this blog. But, I’ll be praying for this ministry.

  4. Sorry for the double comment. I was trying to figure the blog out.

  5. Pingback: 2012 GOAL: LOSE WEIGHT (& Fail Miserably) « Healthy-n-Balanced

  6. What a blessing you are to others and to me. I am proud to call you sister!

  7. I’ve really been struggling with hormonal headaches and just this morning was telling my husband that if I slept better, ate better, and was getting outside moving in the sun more, I’d probably be able to control the headaches a lot better without constant painkillers for a week every month. I’m adding you to my reader! Hopefully I can learn some things to help me on this journey!

    • Thanks for joining! It’s truly amazing what a change in eating and exercise can do. Let me know if you have any questions along the way and I will be more than happy to lend a hand! 🙂


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