Author Archives: HnB4life


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Movin’ On Uppppppp….NEW BLOG SITE

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The time has finally come! The new blog site is up and running. You can now find me at πŸ™‚

I tried my best to find a way where you wouldn’t have to subscribe to the new site, but unfortunately I couldn’t find a way.

Therefore, if you are currently a subscriber and want to continue to receive the Healthy-N-Balanced emails, please jump over toΒ to subscribe to the new site.

Thanks for all your support so far and your continued support on to the new site! πŸ™‚

Must Do: Creative Spillage Workshop

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Today I was able to take part in a Creative Spillage Workshop. Maybe you are wondering what in the world is a Creative Spillage Workshop?

It is truly an experience like I have never had before. I really wasn’t sure what to expect since I have no experience in painting or paint classes and I don’t consider myself to be artistic in that sense. However when I walked into Laura’s Creative Spillage studio all fears and anxieties quickly fell to floor as I entered what I felt like was a “safe” place. You know what I’m talking about…one of those places where you feel like you could kick off your shoes, pull your hair up into a funky ponytail and kick back with your closest girlfriends without fear of rejection or judgement.

This class was about more than just painting. It really made you look at your fears, anxieties, and what Laura calls the Creative Monster that somewhere between childhood and adulthood has stopped you from being creative and expressing yourself.

I was able to confront my Creative Monster of “There’s always someone who is better than you.” or what I call my “Comparison Monster”. There have been so many times in my life that I have not used the talents that God has given me because I knew that there was someone who could do it better. There have been a lot of times that I never even tried to better my talents, whether it was through taking piano lessons or participating in a drama competition or trying to hone a new talent (like painting), because I knew I would never be as good as so-and-so.

So before we ever put our paintbrushes to the canvases we talked about those monsters so that they would not be holding us back from being creative when we were painting.

Then she let us run loose! We had full access to canvases, paints, papers, and other supplies. At the end of the class, everyone walked away with a painting in one hand and victory over that creative monster in the other. For me, I also found a new love for painting. Β It’s so fun and relaxing…especially without that monster on my back. πŸ™‚

I want to encourage you if you are in the Nashville area to check out Laura’s blog-Creative SpillageΒ for more info on when the next workshop will be and sign up! Start saving your pennies now. It is totally worth it!

Note: All above opinions are my own and I was in no way paid to endorse the workshop. I just reallllly believe this is a great opportunity for any lady in the Nashville area.

GREAT DEAL: 24 pk Popchips for $11.33

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Right now Amazon has a great deal on Popchips. If you choose the subscribe & save option, the 24 pack is only $11.33. That’s only $0.47 per bag!!

If you are a Popchips fan, be sure to hop on over and snag this great deal!


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I have some great news!!

This weekend we will be switching over from to

I am suppppper excited because this is something that I have been wanting to do from day one. πŸ˜€

I am praying that this will be a smooth transition and that we will not experience any hiccups along the way. Lucky for me, I am married to a techie which greatly cuts down on the possibility of hiccups. πŸ™‚

I also wanted to let you know that there will be some other changes here at Healthy-N-Balanced. Not to worry! tThey will be changes that will hopefully give you as a reader an even better experience!

So what’s changing?

Where to find me-As I said, instead of having to type in, you will only have to put

We will still have all the old posts but the categories may be slightly different. This is to allow you to find what you are looking for more easily.

The design of the page will look different as well but still pleasing to the eye. πŸ™‚

You may also start to see ads here and there but rest assure, I will not endorse anything or put any ad here that I don’t believe in or that I don’t think will be beneficial to you. This blog will continue to be about you and for you.

Also, be sure to keep your eyes peeled for some giveaways and guest posts.

What’s not changing?

The purpose of this blog is to better equip you with what you need to live a healthy and balanced life.; that will continue to be the purpose behind everything that you see and read here. In this case, it really is all about you. πŸ™‚

Once it is up and running, feel free to give me feedback on what you like or don’t like.

If you have suggestions/comments/questions, feel free to contact me at

Take Aim: Make Time for Your Family

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UPDATE: You can now find me at

Every Friday I will be giving you a small goal to aim for in order to be able to hit your target of having a healthy and balanced life.

How did you do with last week’s challenge? Are you still drinking your water? I hope so!

Today your Take Aim Challenge is to make time for your family. If you are like me then the weekend is usually time to get housework done, wash clothes, and go grocery shopping. I would love to do these things during the week but it is hard to do when you work full-time. Therefore my weekend is usually filled with checking things off my “to-do” list.

I would like to challenge you this weekend to make spending time with your family item #1 on your to-do list. I am not just talking about being in the same house with everyone doing different things but actually setting aside a specific time to put away computers, phones, tv, etc and spend time together. Maybe you will go out or maybe you will just stay in and play board games. Either way, spend time with your family.

If you don’t have family living close by then set aside time to make a few phone calls to grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, or even close friends.

This weekend make family time your priority. I guarantee you this will be the easiest (and most beneficial) Take Aim Challenge you have taken up so far!

Homemade Coffee Creamer

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I currently only drink half-n-half in my coffee because the store bought coffee creamers are filled with junky-junk. (I know, I know…. It’s delicious junky-junk.)

I never thought about making my own until I stumbled upon a few homemade coffee creamer recipes on Deliciously Organic.

The two I really want to try are French Vanilla and Peppermint Mocha. YUM!

Click here to see all the recipes and let me know if you give any of them a try. πŸ™‚

Organize Your Fridge & Freezer

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This months Organize This! Challenge is to organize your refrigerator.

My fridge…and especially my freezer…are seriously neglected. When I come home from the grocery store, I just throw it all in wherever it will fit. This is what my fridge looked like after my most recent trip to the grocery store.

As you can see, this is the reason why our leftovers sometimes go bad. They are crammed to the back when the new food comes in.

I leave other items in grocery bags or the plastic fruit/veggie bags. I don’t put the fruits and veggies into their designated bins.

This is also the reason why it takes me 5 minutes to find the butter in the morning or the meat I am needing to set out for dinner.Β  It is the reason I thought I had frozen carrots for tonight’s dinner but when I go to dig them out of the freezer I discover I have already used them. πŸ™‚

So I decided if I really want to do my best not to waste food (and time) then I needed a new strategy.

Tiffany’s Organize the Fridge Strategy:

1. Get rid of anything you no longer use. (processed stuff, expired items, etc)

2. Don’t leave items in grocery bags and veggie bags.

3. Have a specific place for everything. Put like items together.

I used a little basket to put all the cheeses and lunch meats. I put the veggies in the veggie drawer and the fruit in the fruit drawer. I put the eggs in the egg section of the fridge. I put all the juices together…All the frozen veggies together…All the frozen fruits together. You get the point. πŸ™‚

It really wasn’t a huge project and now my fridge and freezer are organized. The hard part will be implementing new habits to ensure it stays this way. πŸ™‚ But for now…isn’t it nice and organized??

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The Shabby Creek Cottage

Deal Alert: Eating Well Magazine- $5.99

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Right now you can score a year subscription to Eating Well for $5.99. This is by far one of my favorite magazines! It is loaded with healthy and delicious recipes. Be sure to use coupon code WELL at check out in order to get this special price.

Thanks Hip2Save!

How to be Truly Healthy

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Many of us are on the road to living a healthy life. A life that is filled with the ability to go chase around our kids or grandkids, to play a game of soccer or basketball,Β  or to simply be able to go shopping without the assistance of anyone or anything. A life that is filled with joy and not all the complex problems that difficult relationships can bring. A life that is void of the complications that an unhealthy lifestyle can bring.

Sometimes, despite our best efforts to be healthy, sickness comes, hardship comes, and even death comes.

Yesterday I received the news that my 78-year-old uncle passed away. He lived a good, full life. I have no doubt that now he is rejoicing and dancing on the streets of gold. However, his last few weeks here on this earth were ones of sickness and pain.

In moments like these, many question God as to why He didn’t physically heal our loved one…why He chose to perfectly heal them by taking them home with Him.

However, sometimes it’s not for us to know. He knows better than we know. In moments like these, instead of questioning, we should realize our complete need to depend upon Him for life, strength, and health. He uses moments like these to remind us that He is the one in whom we must trust and depend at all times…not just in moments like these.

This morning I was reading a devotion from The Andrew Murray Daily Reader and wanted to share an excerpt of it with you. No matter where you may find yourself today…in health, in sickness, in mourning, or filled with joy, the only true health and strength and life can be found in our full dependence on Jesus.

“Christ’s purpose in healing is also the exact opposite of physical healing, which aims, if at all possible, toward independence from the doctors. Christ’s condition of success is to bring us into such dependence upon himself that we will not be able to live a moment without Him.

Christ Jesus Himself is our life in a sense that many Christians cannot conceive. The weak and frail Christian life owes itself to a lack of appropriation of divine truth. As long as we expect Christ to continually do something for us in single acts of grace, trusting Him from time to time to give us that which will last a little while, we cannot be restored to perfect health. But when we grasp the fact that we need Him moment by moment in our lives in utter dependence upon His strength and provision, then the life of Christ becomes the health of our soul. Heath is nothing but life in its normal, undisturbed activity. Christ gives us health by giving us himself; He becomes our strength for our walk.

Scripture focus: John 5:6-9

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We are that Family

Women Living Well

Raising Homemakers

Christian Mommy Blogger

Raising Mighty Arrows

The Picket Fence